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Sila beritahu 3 hari awal sebelum di update di ruangan ini Sekian harap maklum.

de 9w2rev


Class perbincangan radio amatur untuk exam Rae bermula pada minggu ini :

Tempat: Rumah 9w2rev Taman Pelangi Semenyih

Masa : 9 malam - 10.30malam

Setiap hari Rabu malam Khamis bergantung pada keadaan.

Pengajar :9w2rev

Kepada rakan swl berminat sila dtg ..

Tempat terhad kepada 10 kerusi ..

Berminat sila contect Mazlan 9w2rev di talian 0126196929


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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Antena Antena Antena Homebrew/DIY/Sendiri Bikin

Simple Quaterwave Antena aka Antena spiderweb

Make each radial a 1/4 wave of your desired frequency. Sometimes it helps to add a little extralength to the radials. This will give you some snipping room when you adjust the SWR.example calculation:Freq (mhz) A (inches) B&C/D&E (inches)146 mhz 19-5/16 20-3/16
If you are just starting out or have the desire to build an antenna here is a simple and fun project. This antenna is perfect for those hams living in the primary coverage area of the .075 repeater. The radials can be made of no. 12 copper wire. The vertical radial (A) should be soldered to the center connector of the SO239. The four base radials (B & C) and (D & E) can be soldered or bolted to the SO239 mounting holes using 4-40 hardware. The four base radials then should be bend downward to a 45 degree angle. The antenna can be mounted by clamping the PL259 to a mast or even passing the coax through a 3/4 ID PVC pipe and compression clamping the PL259. Either way let your creativity flow. If you plan on mounting it outside experience teaches to apply RTV or sealant around the center pin to keep water out of the coax.

Double Zepp 2m Antena
Mudah dan ringkas di buat
All Parts can be bought from your local hardware store and does require knowledge of flux soldering with a blow torch. Same as a Plumber would do on a water pipe. Make sure you buy non lead based solder. Make sure connections are cleaned (wire Brush etc.) before soldering.

Parts List

1. (4) 1/2" Copper Pipe 90 Degree Elbows
2. (2) 1/2" Copper Pipe End Caps
3. (2) 1/2" Copper Pipe 17 1/2" Long
4. (2) 1/2" Copper Pipe 16 3/4" Long
5. (1) 1/2" Copper Pipe 1 1/4" Long
6. (4) 1/2" Copper Pipe Hangers

Salam v66ham ..
Ini adalah contoh antena homebrew aka Sendiri bikin yg rakan rakan amatur boleh buat dengan kos yg murah lagi berbaloi dan boleh memancar di mana mana repeater dan simple.. Adakah amatur ini hobi yang mahal? Tidak rasa nya jika anda semua rajin nie ada beberapa contoh.


Fazrulls said...

Salam dari V32 145.400, semalam kita pun ada eyeball dan aku dah perkenalkan blog korang kat member di V32...
agenda semalam ialah membincangkan:
1. Borang callsign bagi yang lulus
2. Blog V32 145.4000 dalam pembikinan...
Nanti kalau dah up aku inform...

salam mesra dari Utara, Kepala Batas V32 145.400,


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